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You Honestly Love Me So

Each time you walked out that door,

Your footsteps getting fainter and fainter,

My heart always fractured in a different way

When I heard the slight sound of the wood brushing against the cement

The reality of it all just broke my heart in a new way.

I've seen enough movies

To discern that it's a cheesy moment when one person saunters off

And the other is left to their tears

I am that person today,

And I understand that as clichéd as it is,

It really hurts a lot.

Especially after I remembered the first time I met you,

With that crumpled book you had to offer in the dark,

When we were stuck in the room with the storm raging against the glass

Then it dawned on me again,

The memory that you gave me half of all your chocolates ever since

Even though that's something not everyone can do

I felt a pang in my chest reliving all those bittersweet memories

Because for better or for worse, you became my family

Especially when I didn't have one of my own.

You really gave me everything you had:

Your clothes, your food, your friendship;

And we became friends,

The inseparable kind

And we did things for each other that nobody would do even for their lovers

Because we began owing it to ourselves to make each other happy.

But why did you give me all those precious things to sell,

When I didn't even have a mere coin in my pocket to repay you?

Why did you keep letting my debts rise,

And laugh it off each time I brought them up?

I was foolish enough to question us then, that

Did you honestly love me so?

So that's why today it hurts a lot more than it did that day

Or on the many days before that

When I was an arrogant and insensible friend

And you, exhausted of always being that impossibly patient comrade, had stormed off in a rage

Because before today or before all those days past,

You hadn't taken that bullet for me

The one that cost us your life

That bullet you took for me

Which could have just as easily made you write a eulogy for me

That bullet you took for me

That would have made you light my pyre, because I had no family

That bullet you took for me

For the reason neither you nor I deserved.

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